Monday, May 18, 2009

Finding Nemo

Q: In Finding Nemo there are two hero's journeys. After over viewing the info on Archetypes- who are the heroes? What archetype does each one fit? What are their thresholds, trials, innermost cares? How are they each changed upon their return to their society?

A: The two heroes in the story of Finding Nemo are Marlan and Nemo. Marlan is a hero as a lover. His adventure and journey are intended to find and save his son who was taken by some divers. He risks his life and many obstacles for the sake of his son's life.

Nemo is a hero as a Scapegoat. He attempts to save the lives of the other fish in the tank and return them to the ocean. He risks his own life to save theirs. His journey is a quest for identity and a warrior's journey. He tries to find his own identity and find a sturdy stance for himself against his father, while trying to find his father's acceptance of who he is and give him the responsibility of caring for himself as well as others despite his physical obstacles. He experiences his threshold when he discovers that he is capable of completing anything despite his " lucky fin" and does not need his father and accepts his father and the reasons for what he does things. His warrior's journey comes when he discovers he is capable and then tries to save the other fish from the tank and help them return to the ocean.

Marlan's journey as a hero of love is soley to save his son. He travels through the ocean and experiences many different challenges and finds a new friend. He learns to see that Nemo is capable of doing everything and does not need his help and guidence for everything he does. His warrior journey comes from traveling to save his son.

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